Elder Taylor just went home. He spoke better Chinese than the Chinese. He is very gifted and has an ear for music, so he just sort of picked up the language after being with a Chinese-speaking elder for a while. He and Elder Griffiths, another incredible missionary have been baptizing like crazy. They baptized Jason, Joey, Hardy, Peter, and Alameda. Elder Olson actually baptized Jason and Joey and helped them get to the hospital way last summer. The seed was planted and the missionaries captalized on it!!!
It's hard to see Senior Missionaries go too! The Youngs and the Barrons have now gone home.
Elder and Sister Olson, little Alice and Suki all had birthdays within a week of each other so we had a huge multi-birthday party. Everyone brought food and Suki came over and baked a cake at our home because she thinks we have a good oven. It was a good time.
Sometimes we see policemen riding their horses - it's pretty impressive. The horses are BIG and very well groomed. They just walk right down the road or the sidewalk or wherever.
This is a picture of the YSAs at the celebration of the Scottish Burns night. We ate haggis (offal, mixed with spices, suet, oatmeal, etc. cooked in the stomach of a pig or lamb), danced, played games, and experienced a few Scottish traditions
The Zone Leaders, Elders Taylor and Griffiths received "The Perfect Flat" inspection award! Elder and Sister Olson were their official flat inspectors.